Principles of INside-OWT Healing
Copyright © Summer Bozohora. INside-OWT
The 10 Universal Laws/ Principles of Healing from the INside-OWT.
1. We live in a Participatory Universe. i.e.) we are co-creators of everything we experience. There is no real distinction between our inner ‘world’ of feeling and the ‘outer world.’
Historically, Inner images, intuitions, dreams and perceptions have been discouraged, passed over as insignificant and, in a number of ways, treated with insensitive hostility or violence. Focusing on the outer world, on our thoughts instead of our feelings, and our bodies instead of our souls, on material reality over spirit creates a belief in separation between ourselves and the greater forces of Nature and God. This separation incites fear and the idea that one must ‘fight’ or struggle through life.
Healing moves us from attempting to control through fear and violence to understanding. With a different life view, recovering health and well-being is not about blame, nor is it about fear or ‘fighting’ what we perceive to be outside of us. Healing is about response-ability and claiming our power as a co-creator. When we view our life as a co-creator, our life’s becomes full of interesting adventures wrought with exciting experiences & challenges that inevitably guide us to life’s treasures: inner peace, personal power and a sense of the ultimate and undeniable interconnectedness of all things.
2. The Soul is ”Real” The Soul is our personal connection to the Universal Field of Consciousness i.e.) Universe/God/Creator. As human beings evolve into multisensory humans, we learn to encompass the senses that come from within – the non-physical qualities of energy. In fact its’ of utmost importance to understand that the pilot waves of awareness (of our soul) are what create material reality.
Just because we can’t interpret or understand the meaning of the soul, does not make it less important or less ‘real’. What may seem illogical, unimportant or ‘flaky’ to our d-mode is of greatest consequence to our health! If we accept that our body and the houses we live in are ‘real’ and can also accept that our feelings and body sensations are also real, then it’s not a big leap to understand that the energies - thoughts, beliefs, e-motions, dreams and images that prelude and pilot these emotional and body sensations are also ‘real’.
Historically, we’ve made the mistake of trying to understanding the meaning of the souls language logically and from d-mode perspective. This, is ironic because as a species, we are at a very immature state of evolution to think that our d-mode and physical things are ‘it!’ Within each of us, if we stop our busy lives and listen, our soul speak to us via the wave function. It is from this inner Soul Space that our individual potential blossoms and where energetic renewal takes place. It is from this perspective, that we can see new ideas and the potential for our life.
3. The Body-Mind and Soul are a trinity and a mutually defining and communicating system of light. IN-OWT understands the soul to be one’s connection to the universe and that the body, driven by the personality, is an instrument of the soul, all of which are systems of light.
“I can no longer make a strong distinction between the brain and the body…. The research findings
indicate that we need to start thinking about how consciousness can be projected into various parts of the body.”
Candace B. Pert. Former Chief of Brain Chemistry. National Institute of Mental Health.
Light is a form of electric and magnetic energy. Photons of light travel through space with characteristics of both particles and waves. This is what physicists call the wave-particle duality. One of Einstein's great insights was to realize that mass, ie) (matter) and energy are really different forms of the same thing. His famous equation (E=MC2) is a mathematical statement that says that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only transformed. The wave-particle duality of light means that everything in our world is either its particle or wave state. From this theory it follows that our bodies are dense heavy forms of light in its particle state. “Your personality is the energy of your soul converted to matter. … Physical matter is the densest, or heaviest level of Light” (Zukav, The Seat of the Soul 1989, 130, 111). Consciousness is not static; it flows into and out of matter, into waves and particles and back. If it is true that I am light, I have the ability to engage either property of light – particle or wave.
The creation of physical experience through intention, the infusion of Light into form, energy into matter and soul into
body, are all the same. The distance between you and your understanding of the creation of matter from energy is equal
to the distance that exists between the awareness of your personality and the energy of your soul. … The system is
identical. (Zukav, The Seat of the Soul. 1989, 130)
Likely because many people have been so focused on external cues and senses, humanity has identified five external senses and lumped our internal senses into one broad category called the ‘sixth sense’. The sixth sense, the sensation of e-motions and vibratory waves that are not visible to the eye, are not considered physical, but the feelings that are generated by them are felt physically.
4. We are Spiritual Beings having a Human Experience. The intent of INside-OWT is to make the souls’ needs known AND relay this information to the personality to carry out.
5. The Soul is Time-Less. The personality as that which encompasses the characteristics of a person – race, creed, gender, behaviours and habits that one acquires over a lifetime. When ones physical body dies, these characteristics no longer exist; they are a function of historical context. The soul on the other hand is a timeless entity and its’ essence remains unchanged.
“Your personality is the part of you that was born into, lives within, and will die with, time. Your personality, like your body,
is the vehicle of your evolution. … Every experience that you have upon the Earth encourages the alignment of your
personality with your soul.” (Zukav, The Seat of the Soul, 1989, 29, 31)
Without the spiritual act of recovering our soul, that immortal part of us that transcends space, time and personality, we will continue to act from isolation, fear and defensiveness, and will continue to attract adversity and inflict harm on nature and each other.
6. We are Remembering a Time-Less Language. In my experience, my soul wants to listen to the meaning imparted by a symptom or illness or situation in life. It is my judgmental mind (left brain or d-mode) that wants it to go away.
“From the perception of the multisensory human, the physical world is a learning environment that is created jointly by the
souls that share it, and everything that occurs within it serves their learning” (Zukav, The Seat of the Soul, 1989, 28).
The language of the soul is a function of the right brain and of the wave function of light. It encompasses internal senses such as emotion, feeling, inner images-while awake or dreaming, inner sound and voices, physical sensations such as twinges, flutters, and pain. Sufi Mystic Hazrat Inayat Khan calls the souls language Cosmic Language. Jeanne Achterberg describes it as a preverbal or ‘a priori’ language. ‘A priori’ meaning a language that has always existed. It is a language we all possess when we are born, a language of archetypal images, symbols and feeling. It is a language that speaks of the deep interconnection and purpose of mankind.
7. The Heart is the Physical Organ of the Soul. The heart is the power-house or enlivening organ of the body. It is responsible for the maintenance of light energy – i.e) electrical and magnetic energy in our body. Our hearts are at the core of the electrical and magnetic fields that communicate with the world around us. According to the scientists at the Institute of HeartMath:
"the electrical strength of the heart’s signal, measured by an electrocardiogram (EKG), is up to 60 times as great as the electrical
signal from the human brain, measured by an electroencephalogram (EEG), the heart’s magnetic field is as much as 5,000
times stronger than that of the brain. … When we form heart-centered beliefs within our bodies, … we’re creating the electrical
and magnetic expression of them as waves of energy, which aren’t confined to our hearts or limited by the physical barrier of
our skin and bones. So clearly we’re ‘speaking’ to the world around us in each moment of every day through a language that
has no words: the belief-waves of our hearts. (Braden, The Spontaneous Healing of Belief, 2008, 59-60)
Thus our inner light, our soul, is an energy field and its’ eminence is governed by our heart-based beliefs. Congruency between our thoughts (d-mode) and our hearts (wave function) heals dis-ease. The power of two interconnecting waves has been a symbol of medicine for centuries. The caduceus, used as a symbol of medicine, has two snakes wrapped in opposite directions on a staff or wand and carried by two wings. It is the symbol of the power to move between realities, between the waking consciousness, personality or ego that is bound by our material reality and our spiritual consciousness or soul that is unbounded by time and space. It is our spiritual consciousness that accesses the wave function and which has the power to create and initiate change.
8. Truth is a feeling of congruence and harmony between one’s thoughts (left brain) and feelings (right brain). Thus, it is easy to identify when we are not experiencing truth because we experience the feelings that characterize fear, feelings such as anger, greed, resentment, revenge, and jealousy. In this case, fear is the presence of the emotions without any real immediate physical danger. “Feelings … are the means through which we can discern the parts of itself that the soul seeks to heal, and through which we come to see the action of the soul in physical matter” (Zukav, The Seat of the Soul 1989, 44).
9. Negative Energy is an Essential Part of our Being. Negative is not ‘bad’. Somehow in the development of human consciousness the natural poles of energy, ‘negative’ and ‘positive,’ have come to mean ‘bad’ and ‘good.’ The universe does not judge, human beings do.
The body is ‘energized’ through the soul and is like a battery. Energy wants to stay in motion and batteries only work when there is a free-flow of energy from one pole (negative) to the other (positive). However, human beings in our current society and culture have been taught to avoid or reject the ‘negative’ and prefer, long for or even obsess over the ‘positive.’
We need negative energy, it is how we learn. Accepting, honouring and trusting it is the only way for your energy to shift to the positive pole so as to retain your life-energy. Everything is energy – symptoms, situations, illnesses and dreams are all accompanied by e-motion (energy in motion) – keep it moving! and stop judging!
10. Non-violence. Judgment is violence. When we work with INside-OWT we must remember that we are not fixing something we perceive as wrong – rather we are serving something greater than ourselves and that we don’t know all the answers. Ironically, happiness, health and well-being happens when you don’t focus on trying to achieve them. “For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue and it only does so as the unintended side-effect of one’s personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself” (Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning, 1984 p 17)