Eye Yoga - in Natures Studio.
May-September 2018.
We walk our dog & exercise our body…What about your Eyes?
September 8th 10-12 -Saturday
September 16th 10-12 - Sunday We will cover Astigmatism, Eye-Teaming and Distance Improvements, Reading Habits... some vision meditation and Journalling and more. It's different each week! |
Eye Yoga
Improve Your Vision, Centre Your Mind, Feel Joy. Natural Vision walks incorporate conscious seeing exercises, meditations & eye yoga to improve your state of mind and eyesight.
Location: is at Forest Heights Park at the corner of 84 St & the end of 101 Ave (just south of the river) overlooking the river valley. More dates and locations will be scheduled July-September based on student feedback & weather. |
Registration Required. 12 Student Maximum Per Walk.Call with your Credit Card (780) 451-8441, send an e-transfer [email protected] or Register on-line (below)
Single Class
What is Vision Yoga?
by Dr. Marc Grossman
What is Yoga? "Union" is the literal translation from sanskrit. Tradition tells us that there are several paths to union (not only physical postures) and the practice of them lead to mind, body and spirit integration. From my point of view, these facets of life combined together, enhance not only well-being, but physical health. Yoga leads us to a basic tenent of mind/body unity. If the mind is chronically ill-at-ease one's physical health suffers. Conversely, if the body experiences ill health, then clarity and strength of mind are adversely impacted. Yoga practice can offset these negative consequences and restore physical and mental health..
The eyes are nothing more than tools of the mind. The eyes' tissue is brain tissue, as though the brain itself has pushed forward from the confines of the skull. It is not unlike the manner in which seed pushes up from the covering of soil to reach the light. I believe that your eyes are your brain's manifestation of itself on the outside of your body.
Vision thereby, is the means by which your brain perceives the world and gathers information from the world in order to interact with it. To me that is the reason eyes appear so filled with meaning and so mysterious. They are video cameras on the front of our skull that instantly permits us to relate to the world about us.
However, I don't think that your eyes are merely receptive organs, but are organs also of giving. They reflect our soul, where we are in life, who we are at any particular moment - emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually.
In a similar manner, I feel that to really enhance the clarity of your vision, you must understand that the process of seeing is a relationship with between you and your environment and you need to develop yourself as a whole being.
Even a fundamental level, sight consists of the close relationship between the perceiver and the object of perception. More profoundly, vision changes based on your relationship with yourself, your family and friends, your town, the earth, and your Spirit. Therefore, your final goal should not stop with visual clarity, but, rather, move toward spiritual soundness.
Therefore yoga and a philosophy of natural vision work together to support mind-body unity.
Natural Vision Therapy History
Glasses have been around for a long, long time. Vision therapy predates glasses by thousands of years. The Egyptians employed vision therapy. For example, people who suffered from conditions such as eye teaming weaknesses were treated by utilizing a mask with two little holes in it for the eyes, placed far apart. The person with convergent eyes had to exercise his two eyes so that they could see out of the holes.
Vision therapy's historic use is important. Many of us incorrectly believe that vision therapy was developed only a century or so ago by William Bates (the well-known Bates eye exercises). But although Bates' teachings had a great impact on popular understanding - that we have the capacity to develop better vision if we'd only exercise our eyes, he didn't invent that concept. The Greek philosophers came to a very good understanding of the process, partly because they themselves were consciously trying to understand the world.
The Greeks understood that vision is a dynamic, changing process, which involves a relationship, an interaction, between that which is seen and the seer. Plato insisted that our eyes take in energy and also send forth energy. He believed that the eyes not only took in images, but perceived information. Plato insisted that part of oneself that really saw the world, was the human soul.
By the 2nd century, during the Roman Empire, the idea of improving vision naturally, had at least partially been replaced by using lenses to correct sight. There is no evidence that actual glasses, as we know them, were fabricated, but Pliny reports that Nero held a ring with a concave gem set in it before his eye in order to better see the games in the Roman Coliseum.
Philosophy of Natural Vision
Nowadays we, as doctors, think of vision problems like myopia as normal. We pay attention to the clarity of the image so exclusively that we tend towards missing diagnosis of many other types of vision disorders, such as image suppression or eye teaming. Instead, we just prescribe a pair of glasses for 20/20 vision.
You need to be aware that wearing glasses has not ever cured vision problems of two eyes. It never has and it never will. In fact, quite the opposite is true. Why? When those new lenses make vision more clear the person behind the glasses, or rather, the eyes behind the glasses stop putting out the extra effort to see and let the glasses do the work. For that reason, a year or so later, most patients need new glasses with stronger lenses.
Remember, the Greek philosophers did not ask, "What can be held before the eyes to make vision more clear?" They asked "What can be done to help these eyes perceive more correctly and see more clearly?"
Dr. Marc Grossman. Our Colleague at www.naturaleyecare.com