INside-OWT - Universal Laws that Govern Healing from the Inside-Out.
Explore the meaning of your physical symptoms, such as visual blur, dissolve anxiety and gain self-awareness.
The acronym I.N.-O.W.T. is pronounced IN-OWT or In-Out or INsideOWT. IN-OWT (In-Out) signifies an important shift - away from the anxious desire to see everything on the outside clearly (as is depicted by the use of strong lenses) to one of inner clarity. As human beings with a history emerging out of the industrial age and currently, the information age, we are affected psychologically to do a lot, learn a lot and do it quickly. We are into an inner culture of speed & pressure that is causing mass adrenal fatigue, burnout, depression and an epidemic in visual blur. |
In the May 2016 Journal of Ophthalmology, it is documented that the Global Prevalence of myopia (need for driving glasses) between the 1970s to the early 2000s, almost doubled in the US. And, It is predicted that by the year 2050 there will be (4,758 million) people with myopia which is HALF of the world population!
Changing our focus from the outside to the inside is an important shift that will enable us to reduce this stress & have clearer eyesight. With the advance of the internet we now have too much outside information that will inevitably overwhelm us if we cannot trust our own inner guidance.
Glasses may give you a crisp view of the outside world, but a numb or fuzzy internal experience. The anxious desire to see everything on the outside clearly takes us away from seeing ourselves as spiritual beings.
IN-OWT is an invitation to you to fully participate as an individuals in our unfolding consciousness as human beings to be able to fully feel and receive what life has to offer with out dulling it, avoiding it or blurring it out! .
In the May 2016 Journal of Ophthalmology, it is documented that the Global Prevalence of myopia (need for driving glasses) between the 1970s to the early 2000s, almost doubled in the US. And, It is predicted that by the year 2050 there will be (4,758 million) people with myopia which is HALF of the world population!
Changing our focus from the outside to the inside is an important shift that will enable us to reduce this stress & have clearer eyesight. With the advance of the internet we now have too much outside information that will inevitably overwhelm us if we cannot trust our own inner guidance.
Glasses may give you a crisp view of the outside world, but a numb or fuzzy internal experience. The anxious desire to see everything on the outside clearly takes us away from seeing ourselves as spiritual beings.
IN-OWT is an invitation to you to fully participate as an individuals in our unfolding consciousness as human beings to be able to fully feel and receive what life has to offer with out dulling it, avoiding it or blurring it out! .
IN-OWT is a natural process for understanding the symptoms of the mind and body as energetic distortions with the goal of aligning ourselves to a deeper knowing. Physical symptoms, like blurred vision don’t start because there is something WRONG with your eyes!… It begins because we are disconnected from a deeper truth.
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IN-OWT Acronym Process:
I. Immerse - setting your intention to immerse yourself within your inner being. N. Notice - observe what is in your present awareness and ‘follow the energy trail.’ O. Own It - accept and acknowledge whatever the energy trail presents to you W. Willingness to play - the ‘energy trail’ is open to suggestion, questions and games. T. Trust the process - When you extend yourself with the certainty that everything is okay even when you do not have ‘proof’ you recognize that you are safe. We ‘know’ what is right for us, and what our symptoms mean, we just have to listen instead of ignore or avoid the messages. |
INside-OWT is ideal for:
INside-OWT is ideal for:
During and prior to Summer's Vision Improvement, INside-OWT was 'accidentally' developed as she found that traditional and other forms of 'therapy' inadequate. During the exploration of her past she healed many other physical symptoms - Migraines, Irritable Bowel, Pre-cancerous Cervical Cells, Eczema, a Streptoccocal Blood infection through the process of INside-OWT. INside-OWT is a natural process that emphasizes the power of your inner knowledge and resources. Our energetic understanding of ourselves (inner vision) in relationship to our surroundings (outer seeing) directly effects our eyesight through energetic constrictions. As we heal all other aspects of our well-being, Our eyesight can improve also. Along with reduced prescriptions, INside-OWT is the primary method to which Summer improved her vision and healed her body. Beginning with a prescription of -5.0 for myopia, she was tested in 2006 by her Optometrist and found to be legal to drive without glasses. |
INOWT for Anxiety Disorders a testimonial by Maggie Tate"I came into my first INOWT workshop hoping that it would be a fit for me. Having been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, I have found being still and quiet was difficult and I have never achieved much with different kinds of meditation. Having had previous courses of cognitive behavioural therapy as well as year of medication for anxiety, I learned to get through life but always wondered if I would ever reach a point where the panic would go away.
The self-helaing aspect of INOWT brought about a major shift in the way that I experience and react to anxiety. Allowing my mind to explore what came forth was amazingly freeing. I came out of that first workshop knowing that I had found the core of my panic attacks. During my process, I spontaneously recalled an important memory which I immediately recognized as the beginning of my emotional disorder. I observed the feeling of panic in the memory, and understood why I continued to feel that anxiety as I grew up. The neat thing about this experience is that I did not expect to uncover that memory and I did not realize what an emotional impact it had on me. By allowing my mind to follow what was in my present awareness, it led me to exactly the issue I needed and wanted to deal with, without me consciously guiding myself there! I have learned to embrace the anxiety and understand why I am feeling it rather than trying to fight it. INOWT has given me the ability to work with aspects of myself that I was judging and avoiding. I have learned that these "bad" elements, such as a panic are not bad, they just need to be understood. What has come with this is understanding and a feeling of inner strength and I no longer fear a panic attack. I have learned to embrace the anxiety and understand why I am feeling it rather than trying to fight it. I can now observe my anxiety rather than judge or push it away which allows me to understand what I need when it arises. I would not have this ability without learning INOWT. I came from a state of almost daily panic attacks to one every couple of weeks. With recognition of why I am feeling the panic, it dissolves almost immediately because I am not fighting it. In fact, I have learned to understand it as trying to protect me. I believe that as I continue to work with INOWT, I will be relieved of my anxiety, something that medication and cognitive therapy were not able to achieve for me. Finally because INOWT teaches one- or rather gives permission to listen to ones inner self, my intuition has returned! Maggie Tate - Edmonton INOWT is a "crucial tool, fully worthy of the investment" testimonial by Amanda Buda Braun - Edmonton."After many years of trying various self help techniques, programs and therapies for healing and seeking purposes, none of them really seeming to stick or getting me anywhere that felt substantial, I had the feeling that the INOWT would be very different. I was correct.
What caught my attention about it was that seemed to suggest taking me deeper into my self rather than endlessly chasing results in the outer world as though on a hamster wheel. I was also drawn to its seeming neutrality, being that there are many important people in my life of spiritual faiths I do not wish to offend, in addition due to my own need for a grounded, practical approach.. INOWT offered me everything I was seeking. The course was a highly supportive day of learning and practicing the technique. I felt genuine shifts that day that upon leaving had me feeling as though I was finally in touch with my self. Since then I have practiced it frequently. It is easy, and I am learning how my awarenesses sometimes show up as images, feelings, sequences of understandings and knowings, key memories of incidents that I had no idea were affecting my energy to the extent they were. In whatever form, the information will show up with just a bit of attention. I have made genuine shifts, that in the end were often quite simple and at times have literally made my whole being feel lighter afterward. As well I have had some interesting relief from physical symptoms. This technique is fully worthy of the investment not only for its own sake, but also for the fact that time, effort and money spent on less fruitful ventures can now be redirected. I look forward to using this crucial tool for the rest of my life." - Amanda Buda Braun, Edmonton INOWT for Reoccurring Nightmares: a testimonial by Neisja"Summer Bozohora has helped me in many areas of my life but there is one particular time that I would like to share. I used to have a terrible, reoccurring nightmare that would haunt me a couple times a month. I would always dream that I was in some type of abandoned dark building (sometimes it was a school, an office building or even an airport). I was all alone running through the hallways and someone would be chasing me. I could never really see the person's face, they were dressed all in black and sometimes they would have a knife. They kept chasing me, it was terrifying and I always woke up before they caught me. This nightmare went on for years until I discussed it with Summer who helped me re-enter my dream through I.N.O.W.T. With help, I was able to stay with the energy of the dream - my fear - until I had the courage to call out to the stranger. "Are you going to hurt me?" I asked, and I heard back "Are you going to hurt me?". It was an echo! Astonished, I realized it was myself. The dark stranger chasing me represented parts of myself that needed acknowledgment. The dream represented for me that I was running away from my own problems (my shadow self - and parts of myself or my life I didn't want to accept or look at) I also realized that the best way for this to stop would be to face my problems. It has now been over a year and a half and I haven't had that nightmare ever again. I am sincerely thankful for Summer's help."
Neisja. |
INOWT for Spiritual Awareness, Anxiety and Depression"I have attended countless leadership seminars, motivational speeches, yoga workshops and read self-help books that ranges in the multitudes in order to feel reconnected to myself, my purpose and others. The messages I received from all the previous courses and methods I studied was that to be "good enough" I needed to do this, think that, put these habits into practice, imagine that if ... Although many had profound wisdoms, I still felt that in order to feel my own worth, I was expected to change, to be a better model of what I currently was.
After the intro course in INOWT, the message of how valuable I am, being who I am right here and now an that it IS good enough was a gift I received. INOWT has given me a profound experience of spiritual reconnection and a day-to-day inner tool that helps me navigate conflict and negative emotions. So much so I was able to wean myself off of medication for depression and anxiety. As I integrate INOWT into my life, I feel less out of control and less reactive when I am experience conflict and turmoil in my life. When I have "negative" emotions I use INOWT to feel it, accept it and move through it, knowing that I will come out on the other side with a better understanding of who I am and who I want to be. I am feeling more and more empowered and this has translated into many aspects of my life including my communications with my friends and family. I am understanding and more importantly, I am more able to act on this understanding of what I need, want and desire for myself because of INOWT. S.K. - Edmonton INOWT for Extreme Stress: A testimonial by Martin LinLove"My IN-OWT session helped me reconnect to parts of myself, particularly my eyes, that needed healing and attention during a very stressful time. The process was easy and revealing. It was something I could take home with me and duplicate in my own space. Summer provided patience and room for me and the process. She was open and willing to let whatever happened come in its own time. It's a process that best reflects the way healing occurs naturally. A worthwhile and deeply empowering experience. I found Summer a skillful and committed guide whom I could trust." Martin LinLove - Calgary
INOWT for Depression and Burn-Out: a testimonial by Leah Main"Working with Summer and the process of INOWT can only be summed up in one way, it's transformational. When I came to see Summer for the first time in September 2007, I was pretty deep in a valley of burn out from personal and professional stress. Unable to work, I was exhausted emotionally and physically and this was my last ditch attempt to find something to alleviate my symptoms. Summer immediately helped me explore my physical and emotional symptoms because she knew the answers to regaining my health were buried there. Together we not only addressed my current issues, but found some long hidden, deeply rooted past events including early childhood emotional and sexual abuse, negative belief systems, low self-esteem/image, depressive feelings and dysfunctional relationship systems. Not only did she help me identify these issues, she also taught me how to process and integrate them into the totality of my being.
Many physical symptoms I had at the beginning of our sessions are also improved or completely resolved. I also experienced improvements in my vision, with a lesser prescription lens required. Whereas I was sleep deprived (due to an intense difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep), I can now fall asleep in under 15 minutes and I have a better quality of sleep. My chronic lifelong headaches are almost completely gone, having become a rare exception rather than the norm, and I cannot recall the last time I had a migraine (which is a first in years). The chronic painful tension in my neck and shoulders has improved drastically. My neck and shoulders are now relaxed most of the time and have a good range of movement. During all of this, Summer gently guided me, step by step, more than once, until I saw the process through and developed the confidence to use the tools she'd taught me on my own. Some of these lifesavers included:
Working with Summer has given me a whole new awareness of myself which brings me an inner peace I didn't know was possible. Now I am back to work, and as my energy continues to renew, I now look forward to what life may bring instead of dreading it. I am not the same person I was before. I honestly believe that anyone willing to come to Summer with an open mind and a willing heart, will experience a transformation in their own lives." Leah Main - Edmonton INOWT for Physical Pain (Earaches): a testimonial by Jo Grant"I have spent many years with ear and throat infections that were treated with antibiotics. About to return for another dose, I mentioned it to Summer. She guided me through the INOWT process that began with the pain in my ear. As I followed that energy, I found the courage to hear a truth that I hadn't wanted to hear. I also found the courage to say what needed to be said to my Dad. The pain stopped the next day. From then on I have tried to listen extra carefully to myself. So far no more earaches!"
Jo Grant - Calgary INOWT for Life: a letter from Cherie Strong - March 2015"I'm writing to touch base with you. I've been feeling the time is right for me to reconnect with you and explore the INOWT once again. Of all the therapies I've experienced, my time working with you has been the most powerful, insightful and lasting. Needless to say, you and what I've learnt with you are often on my mind! Thank you so much." Cherie Strong - B.C.