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"I read the book in 2 days and re-read parts of it. It hit home so many times! Unbelievable Information and an easy read ... Kept my Focus" Raylene Isert, Edmonton. "Hi Summer, I bought your book today and I have to let you know that I am already 1/4 through it and absolutely love it. It has really struck a cord with me and I can’t put it down. I love books of these nature but I feel like your was exactly what I needed at this time. I am already so excited to pass it along to family members and friends that I know will love it and benefit from it as well!" Thank you so much Lisa Arvanitis |
Soul Side Out Universal Laws to Healing and Living Your Best Life is about Healing on a Universal and World-Wide Level.
It asks Soul-Searchers to bravely face what is making us ALL sick. Our very old, outdated - what I would call our "Emotional Dark Ages" - which is a deep-seated fear of our inner world and our inner most resources and knowledge.
It is time to shift our human perspective and hear the call from universal consciousness. The call is asking that we move away from the violent approach of drugging, numbing, masking, fighting, or surgically removing what is perceived as “not working” in the mind or body.
It is about universal laws of healing from the inside-out that can be applied to your life that are described in this book. Soul-Side Out is written with the goal of bridging the ideas of quantum science and spiritual understanding in a simple new language. It is a way to be most present, a way to transcend the time-space reality and experience the wave function—the aspect of our mind that knows and identifies with oneness, unity, and unconditional love that transforms and heals.
Learning to live your life soul-side out, in other words to listen and be guided by your soul to live a healthy, joyful and meaningful life is a natural process. Relearning this process can be done in five steps and can be easily be remembered by the acronym IN-OWT or INside-OWT (pronounced Inside-Out) Through practising and implementing these laws and re-learning the language of the soul, soul searchers learn how to understand the meaning of their symptoms, develop trust, grow spiritually and heal inside and out
By accessing the spiritual, emotional and energetic patterns behind her symptoms, Summer has healed from chronic migraines, pre-cervical cancer, a streptococcal blood infection, irritable bowel and has improved her myopia from -5.0 to being legal to drive without glasses in 2006.
Summer feels an urgent calling to adopt a more conscious approach to health and to understanding its’ connection to living an authentic, co-creative life. She believes that treating the body in separate parts or as separate form the mind and spirit creates long lasting trauma and prevents our evolution.