There are 3 components to the Seeing with Heart Component of the Program:
1. Identifying your Original Vision Injury:
Your Original Vision Injury is the experience of stress or stressors that incurred a few months to two years prior to your noticing your blurred vision or getting your first pair of glasses. Some vision clients tell me that the can remember the day they chose not to see – the trigger. There are many experiences in life that we may choose not to feel/see. You will identify your original pre and post glasses feelings and your unmet needs that triggered your blur.
2. Belief Systems and Visual-Emotional Processing:
Vision Improvement is a process whereby people can experience a spiritual return to their undamaged centre of their being where they access all their faculties simultaneously. This is where you can think, feel and see at the same time. This is not an easy thing to do when ones nervous system has been set for self-protection from one’s earliest days. The beliefs and perceptions about ourselves, about how to give and receive in the world, began with the feeling tone of care that we receive as an infant. As an open receptive newborn we draw in feelings and images, thoughts and flashes of understanding through our gentle impressionistic, intuitive and spongy, absorbent being.
Past generations have not been overly emotionally or energetically aware and it was easy for us to confuse others thoughts and feeling with ourselves thereby absorbing anger, confusion, depression, and worthlessness of others as if it were our own. Doing this for such a prolonged period of time without any tools with which to circumvent the effect distorts the seers inner world. Visual blur is often a really clever way for me to mirror our own sense of internal distortion - a numbed, blurred, overwhelmed sense of self.
Our approach is to help people recognize that the eyes are an integrated, connected part of us. Our emotions, our psyche, and our biochemistry affect how we see! Clear vision is a receptive process. We need to want to take in (receive) visual stimulation.
1. Identifying your Original Vision Injury:
Your Original Vision Injury is the experience of stress or stressors that incurred a few months to two years prior to your noticing your blurred vision or getting your first pair of glasses. Some vision clients tell me that the can remember the day they chose not to see – the trigger. There are many experiences in life that we may choose not to feel/see. You will identify your original pre and post glasses feelings and your unmet needs that triggered your blur.
2. Belief Systems and Visual-Emotional Processing:
Vision Improvement is a process whereby people can experience a spiritual return to their undamaged centre of their being where they access all their faculties simultaneously. This is where you can think, feel and see at the same time. This is not an easy thing to do when ones nervous system has been set for self-protection from one’s earliest days. The beliefs and perceptions about ourselves, about how to give and receive in the world, began with the feeling tone of care that we receive as an infant. As an open receptive newborn we draw in feelings and images, thoughts and flashes of understanding through our gentle impressionistic, intuitive and spongy, absorbent being.
Past generations have not been overly emotionally or energetically aware and it was easy for us to confuse others thoughts and feeling with ourselves thereby absorbing anger, confusion, depression, and worthlessness of others as if it were our own. Doing this for such a prolonged period of time without any tools with which to circumvent the effect distorts the seers inner world. Visual blur is often a really clever way for me to mirror our own sense of internal distortion - a numbed, blurred, overwhelmed sense of self.
Our approach is to help people recognize that the eyes are an integrated, connected part of us. Our emotions, our psyche, and our biochemistry affect how we see! Clear vision is a receptive process. We need to want to take in (receive) visual stimulation.
“Since about 80% of body tension is carried in the eyes, once we connect more to our eyes, we are able receive the nourishment that has been lacking.” (Dr. Sam Berne. O.D. – Vision Therapy)
3. Becoming Heart-Centered. Keys to Balanced Awareness:
Vision is an overall whole-body energetic process. Big changes are happening on a human consciousness level. People are working toward maintaining personal balance and positive life-energy. People are changing diets including their nutrition and what they take in energetically. What is most helpful is becoming heart-centered or soul-centered, rather than head-focused. Profound energy and focus is generated when we do. However this can feel very difficult and is one of our biggest challenges in our busy, adrenal fatigued lifestyles.
Through this course we begin to explore visual-emotional processing and the concepts inherent in the strength of the human heart from a scientific - Quantum Physical point of view and experientially through Visually Centered Meditation, vision eye-cises, eye-dialogue, art therapy, movement, journaling and INOWT Meditation. We will also touch on the ancient mystical and spiritual understanding of the process of sight. This Natural Vision Improvement Process not only improves eye health and eyesight, but also increases your vitality, creativity, and overall wellness.