30ppm Professional Grade Structured Silver
For Vision Care, Structured Silver is ideal for eye infections and cataracts. It is excellent for many other Health issues.
Canadian Price is $59.00
* Comes with your choice of FREE book:
Can be picked up and purchased at the West Edmonton Naturopathic Clinic Edmonton.
1. The Silver Solution to Women's Wellness - with a focus on female health issues, Candida, Yeast Infections, Urinary tract infections etc.
2. The Most Precious Metal - Integrative Medicine and direction for using the silver to treat many health conditions.
For Cataracts you apply 2-3 drops per eye 2-3 x a day and take 2 teaspoons/a day by mouth spaced apart (one at breakfast or lunch and another at dinner or bed time). Is successful at treating most
stage 1-3 Cataracts and will help clear the cornea at advanced stages but will not eliminate pre-operative advanced stage cataracts.
pH Structured Silver is entirely new. It is made with new techniques and is materially different than popular silvers of the past such as colloids, ionics, and aquasols.
pH Structured Silver comes in 16 fluid ounce bottles (473 ml.)
There are 48 servings of 2 teaspoons. If taken twice daily ("two teaspoons twice a day"), each bottle contains 24 days of servings for one person over 75 lbs. For a person under 75 lbs and a serving size of only 1 teaspoon taken twice daily, each bottle contains 48 days of servings.
pH Structured Silver can be taken orally (internally) or topically (applied to skin or a wound.)
For oral use, the label states, "People over 75 lbs: 2 teaspoons twice daily or as needed. Storage at room temperature is recommended.